Happy Motivation Monday Baddies + Daddies 😤
Kai Schafroth, a seasoned lifter and gym enthusiast, shares his journey of overcoming body image issues and unhealthy habits through powerlifting. Currently based in Texas, Kai is planning to step on stage and is working on health/fitness business projects
I’m so excited to share this article with you! Kai and I go back to training together in early 2017 and he’s always been one of the most positive and supportive people.
Be sure to give him a follow for some laughs and tips from a seasoned lifter!
I am absolutely tickled to share his gym story with you!

What brought you to the gym?
Kai - I decided to finally put effort into overcoming a lot of things that made me unhappy being in my own body. I was always just “the skinny guy” which crushed a lot of my confidence growing up and led to seeking attention in less healthy ways (read: partying). Add that despite being “skinny” I also had some not so great health markers/blood work at a few points as a young adult. I quickly fell in love with the process/journey and have made so many incredible friends through lifting and the gym.
What are your goals right now?
Kai - I’m going to start looking into stepping on stage so doing some building right now. I love competing (previously powerlifting) and want to continue challenging myself. I also have some health/fitness things on the business side in the early stages. Lots to be excited about!

What inspires you most?
Kai - The people who learn and evolve. It’s natural and a lot easier to not push ourselves out of the proverbial comfort zone to learn or do “new & different”. Do it, whatever that is, for yourself but just know that even if nobody says anything, there’s somebody who sees what you’re doing and it gave them the inspiration or motivation to believe they could too.
What advice would you give to someone struggling right now?
(1) remember or recenter your why (2) be kind to yourself. It’s easy to lose sight of what started us on a journey in the first place or forget to step back to recalibrate our goals or reasons for doing (gym or otherwise). In the same way, don’t beat yourself up. Even if you didn’t do everything that you wanted to today or not exactly how you wanted to do it; instead look at what you did accomplish. It’s important (and healthy) to acknowledge & accept that the 80% you put in sometimes was 100% of what you had to give.

Give Kai a follow on Instagram for more workout motivation, tips, and general badassery 😈